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Ontdek hoe onze oplossingen voor industriële automatisering onze klanten hebben geholpen uitdagingen op te lossen en de productiviteit, veiligheid en efficiëntie te verbeteren. Wij wijzen de weg naar de fabriek van de toekomst waar mensen en machines in harmonie zij aan zij werken

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Moving to e-mobility: seven tips for success

8 september 2020 The automotive industry throughout Europe is changing. It’s been badly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has exacerbated declining sales. And there have been other problems. For instance, the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) forecasts that German vehicle manufacturers and suppliers could lose a quarter of their total workforce by 2030. A similarly gloomy picture is also emerging in the UK. Offsetting this is a growing demand for electric cars, which could lead to many new jobs being created.
Food & Beverages
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Geautomatiseerde visfileeroplossing garandeert kwaliteit en kostenefficiëntie bij Seafood Parlevliet

1 september 2020 Rauwe gepekelde haring is een verworven smaak en heeft een speciaal plekje in het hart van veel Nederlanders. De enige juiste manier om de vis te eten is volgens velen om deze, bestrooid met rauwe uitjes, verticaal te houden en er een grote hap uit te nemen. Dit stelt echter bijzondere eisen aan het fileerproces, aangezien de staart van de vis intact moet blijven, in aanvulling op veeleisende kwaliteitseisen.
Food & Beverages
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Factory automation: four tips for the future of food & beverage manufacturing

16 juli 2020 The coronavirus pandemic has posed major challenges to organisations of all types and sizes. In the food and commodity industry, companies have faced significantly reduced consumption and disrupted supply chains, while at-home consumption increased, and out-of-home consumption came near to a standstill. But how can manufacturers adapt their business strategies and production processes both now and in the longer term? The pandemic may provide an opportunity for rethinking outdated processes and procedures and enhancing them with concepts such as innovative robotics, sensor technology and holistic automation strategies.
Food & Beverages
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Automatisering met robotica verhoogt de productie met 40% bij BOLÇİ

28 mei 2020 De Turkse chocoladefabrikant BOLÇİ moest voldoen aan hun belofte van het leveren van chocoladeproducten die niet door menselijke handen zijn aangeraakt. Omron en Innovas hebben de krachten gebundeld en een reeks van drie Omron-robots in de verpakkingsafdeling van de productielijn van de fabriek in bedrijf gesteld, met als doel de productiekwaliteit te verbeteren en de arbeidskosten te verlagen.
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Energizing European battery cell production

1 mei 2020 What can European automotive companies do to future-proof their production lines, especially in relation to battery manufacturing? Robotics, automated quality control and artificial intelligence (AI) can help companies to tackle the strong competition they are facing from Asia.
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Green is key: sustainability in battery manufacturing for E-mobility

5 februari 2020 Today, sustainability is no longer a niche topic, but something that companies are integrating into their business strategies. Not only are sustainability practices necessary to answer the changing demands of consumers, the marketplace and governments, they are also increasingly being seen as a competitive strength. That’s because sustainability practices reduce energy consumption and waste, and also help companies use their resources more efficiently. They even help companies optimize their manufacturing agility and enable them to respond to fluctuating demand and the growing need for personalization. And finally, sustainability can play an important role in acquiring and retaining customers, as well in developing new market opportunities.