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Rethink safety at every level

Beschikbare plaatsen 500

New safety challenges

The forthcoming era of autonomous and collaborating manufacturing will involve the deployment of mobile robots (I.e. robots that decide themselves the routes that they take) and collaborative robots (robots that work unfenced alongside human operators). This will create fundamentally new safety challenges. Fortunately, Omron (as a global manufacturing safety specialist) is ahead of the game and can either train or work alongside manufacturers’ own engineers (or both) to ensure that all the EU safety regulations are met and are continuously adhered to no matter how they develop.

EU safety regulations for cobots and mobile robots

This webinar guides you through the complexities of EU safety regulations for mobile robots and cobots. And provides advice on how best to navigate through the dense legislature. For example, you will see how we can help calculate and implement force, pressure and energy transfer limits in cobot applications. You will see how we can help calculate and mitigate against risk expectations in the case of Autonomous Mobile Robots. Importantly, you will also see how our advanced safety regimes for autonomous and collaborative robots have been safely deployed with some of our customers.

Webinar agenda

00:00 - 00:05
Cobot Applications
Human-Robot Collaboration trends
00:05 - 00:10
Cobot Applications
Why Risk Assessment and how? Use cases approach
00:10 - 00:15
Cobot Applications
How we can support you?
00:15 - 00:20
Cobot Applications
Success cases
00:20 - 00:25
Intralogistics Applications
Autonomous Mobile Robots application trends
00:25 - 00:30
Intralogistics Applications
Risk Assessment
00:30 - 00:35
Intralogistics Applications
How we can support you?
00:35 - 00:40
Intralogistics Applications
Success cases
00:40 - 00:45
Covid 19 – Work safely with others
00:45 - 00:55

Rethink Manufacturing webinars

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