IP66-indicatielichten van 22 mm geven de status van de apparatuur en processen op bedieningspanelen weer.
Complete lijn van 22mm-drukknoppen, keuzeschakelaars, sleutelschakelaars en indicatoren. Deze betrouwbare paneelmeters zijn beschikbaar in een breed scala aan vormen en kleuren.
- De heldere LED-lichtbron is onder de meeste verlichtingsomstandigheden goed te zien
- Verschillende model- en kleuropties
- Eenvoudige montage en verwijdering vaIrek n de aansluitvoetunit
- Push-In Plus-klemmenblok
- Geringe montagediepte, minder dan 49,2 mm achter paneel
Specificaties & bestelinfo
Product | Application | Size | Shape | Profile | Indicator color | LED lamp color | Rated operating voltage Ue | Voltage type | Terminal type | Degree of protection (IP) | Beschrijving | |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Green | Green | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, groen, 24 VDC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Green | Green | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, groen, 24 VDC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Green | Green | 100-120 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, groen, 100-120 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Green | Green | 200-240 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, groen, 220-240 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Green | Green | 200-240 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, groen, 220-240 VAC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Orange | Orange | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicator M22N vlak geëtst, kleur kap oranje, LED oranje, LED spanning 24 VDC |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Orange | Orange | 200-240 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicator M22N vlak geëtst, kleur kap oranje, LED oranje, LED voltage 200-240 VAC |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Red | Red | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, rood, 24 VDC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Red | Red | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, rood, 24 VDC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Red | Red | 100-120 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, rood, 100-120 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Red | Red | 200-240 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, rood, 220-240 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Red | Red | 200-240 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, rood, 220-240 VAC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Transparent white | White | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, wit, 24 VDC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Transparent white | White | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, wit, 24 VDC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Transparent white | White | 100-120 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, wit, 100-120 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Transparent white | White | 200-240 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, wit, 220-240 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Transparent white | White | 200-240 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, wit, 220-240 VAC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Yellow | Yellow | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, geel, 24 VDC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Yellow | Yellow | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, geel, 24 VDC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Yellow | Yellow | 100-120 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, geel, 100-120 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Yellow | Yellow | 200-240 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, geel, 220-240 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat etched | Yellow | Yellow | 200-240 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, licht bolle lens, geel, 220-240 VAC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 5.4-6.6 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicator M22N plat, CAP KLEUR GROEN, LED GROEN, LED-SPANNING 6 VDC |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 5.4-6.6 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | M22N-indicator, kunststof plat, groen, groen, 6 VDC, push-in aansluiting |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 10.8-13.2 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicator M22N plat, CAP KLEUR GROEN, LED GROEN, LED-SPANNING 12 VDC |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 10.8-13.2 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | M22N-indicator, kunststof plat, groen, groen, 12 V, push-in aansluiting |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, groen, 24 VDC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, groen, 24 VDC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 100-120 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, groen, 100-120 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 100-120 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | M22N-indicator, kunststof plat, groen, groen, 110 V, push-in aansluiting |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 200-240 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, groen, 220-240 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Green | Green | 200-240 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, groen, 220-240 VAC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Orange | Orange | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, Orange, Orange, 24 V, push-in terminal |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Red | Red | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, rood, 24 VDC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Red | Red | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, rood, 24 VDC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Red | Red | 100-120 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, rood, 100-120 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Red | Red | 200-240 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, rood, 220-240 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Red | Red | 200-240 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, rood, 220-240 VAC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Transparent white | White | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, wit, 24 VDC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Transparent white | White | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, wit, 24 VDC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Transparent white | White | 100-120 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, wit, 100-120 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Transparent white | White | 200-240 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, wit, 220-240 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Transparent white | White | 200-240 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, wit, 220-240 VAC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Yellow | Yellow | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, geel, 24 VDC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Yellow | Yellow | 21.6-26.4 V | AC/DC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, geel, 24 VDC, Push-in plus |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Yellow | Yellow | 100-120 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, geel, 220-240 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Yellow | Yellow | 200-240 V | AC | Screw | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, geel, 220-240 VAC, schroef |
Indicator | 22 mm | Round | Flat | Yellow | Yellow | 200-240 V | AC | Push-in | IP66 | Indicatielamp M22N Ø22, compleet, IP66, vlakke lens, geel, 220-240 VAC, Push-in plus |
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