Het unieke smalle interface-relais met industriële pin
De OMRON G2RV-ST is een voorgemonteerd 6 mm smal relais met industriële pin. Deze wordt vaak gebruikt als PLC-interface en is ideaal voor compacte panelen en apparatuur. Met een breedte van slechts 6 mm biedt de G2RV-ST alle nodige duurzaamheid en betrouwbaarheid van OMRON voor industriële toepassingen.
- Push-In Plus-technologie – eenvoudige installatie van bedrading
- Vergrendelbare testschakelaarmodellen verkrijgbaar
- Grote plug-in pinnen – uitstekende aansluiting
- LED/mechanische markering – controleren van werking
- Transparante behuizing – controleren van status
- Slank ontwerp – ruimtebesparend
- Speciaal type input met vergulde contacten
- Compatibel met G3RV
Specificaties & bestelinfo
Product | Coil voltage | Contact description | Contact material | Features | Mounting method | Poles | Rated carry current | Terminal | Usage | Operation voltage | Beschrijving | |
110 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Push-in Plus | Interface | AC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, push-in-aansluitingen, 110 VAC |
12 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | Diode, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Push-in Plus | Interface | DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, push-in-aansluitingen, 12 VDC |
230 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Push-in Plus | Interface | AC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, push-in-aansluitingen, 230 VAC |
24 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Push-in Plus | Interface | AC/DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, push-in-aansluitingen, 24 VAC/DC |
24 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | Diode, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Push-in Plus | Interface | DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, push-in-aansluitingen, 24 VDC |
48 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Push-in Plus | Interface | AC/DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, push-in-aansluitingen, 48 VAC/DC |
110 V | SPDT | Ag alloy + Au plating | Gold clad 3 µm, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 50 mA | Push-in Plus | Interface | AC | Smal ingangsrelais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 50 mA, push-in-aansluitingen, 110 VAC |
12 V | SPDT | Ag alloy + Au plating | Diode, Gold clad 3 µm, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 50 mA | Push-in Plus | Interface | DC | Smal ingangsrelais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 50 mA, push-in-aansluitingen, 12 VDC |
230 V | SPDT | Ag alloy + Au plating | Gold clad 3 µm, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 50 mA | Push-in Plus | Interface | AC | Smal ingangsrelais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 50 mA, push-in-aansluitingen, 230 VAC |
24 V | SPDT | Ag alloy + Au plating | Gold clad 3 µm, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 50 mA | Push-in Plus | Interface | AC/DC | Smal ingangsrelais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 50 mA, push-in-aansluitingen, 24 VAC/DC |
24 V | SPDT | Ag alloy + Au plating | Diode, Gold clad 3 µm, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 50 mA | Push-in Plus | Interface | DC | Smal ingangsrelais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 50 mA, push-in-aansluitingen, 24 VDC |
48 V | SPDT | Ag alloy + Au plating | Gold clad 3 µm, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 50 mA | Push-in Plus | Interface | AC/DC | Smal ingangsrelais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 50 mA, push-in-aansluitingen, 48 VAC/DC |
24 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | LED, Test button, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Push-in Plus | Interface | AC/DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, push-in-aansluitingen, 24 VAC/DC, testschakelaar |
24 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | Diode, LED, Test button, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Push-in Plus | Interface | DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, push-in-aansluitingen, 24 VDC, testschakelaar |
110 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Screw | Interface | AC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, schroefaansluitingen, 110 VAC |
12 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | Diode, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Screw | Interface | DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, schroefaansluitingen, 12 VDC |
230 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Screw | Interface | AC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, schroefaansluitingen, 230 VAC |
24 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Screw | Interface | AC/DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, schroefaansluitingen, 24 VAC/DC |
24 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | Diode, LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Screw | Interface | DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, schroefaansluitingen, 24 VDC |
48 V | SPDT | Ag alloy | LED, Transparent case, With mechanical indicator | DIN rail | 1 | 6 A | Screw | Interface | AC/DC | Smal relais 6 mm incl. aansluiting, SPDT, 6 A, schroefaansluitingen, 48 VAC/DC |
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OMRON Relay Quality
Creating the perfect relays may seem like a straightforward task, but it’s a complex process that requires the most advanced manufacturing processes. This ensures that every component inside our relays are precisely assembled and protected from any outside contaminants. Ignoring this crucial step could jeopardize the reliability of the relays and compromise their switching activity. At times, machines can experience unplanned downtime, with the causes remaining elusive, in many cases restarting the machine or replacing the relays resolves the issue. OMRON determined that such incidents are primarily caused by inadequate contact conduction, which frequently results from dust caught between the contacts during manufacturing. OMRON's unique production techniques avoid poor conduction due to dust by providing standardized product design, producing the products in clean room with strict entry/exit control rules, and utilizing OMRON’s unique dust removal technology. This production technique are applied for all the OMRON relays especially the new ones introduced in the line up G2RV-ST/G3RV-ST, and MY-GS-R. Find out more about our new relays in our website: #MakeitOMRON #MakeitExcellent