Fotocel met instelbare detectieafstand in metalen behuizing
Fotocel met instelbare detectieafstand in metalen behuizing
- Minimale zwart/witfout voor uiterste betrouwbaarheid bij de detectie van objecten met verschillende kleuren (E3S-CL1)
- Instelafstand tot 500 mm met betrouwbare achtergrondonderdrukking
Specificaties & bestelinfo
Product | Shape | Sensing method | Sensing distance | Sensing distance (min.) | Setting method | Connection method | Cable length | Output type | Operation mode | Response time | Material housing | Thread size | Type of light | Spot size | Power supply voltage | Degree of protection (IP) | Beschrijving | |
Cuboid | Background suppression | 200 mm | 5 mm | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | PNP/NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 1 ms | Zinc | Other | Polarity free red light | 18 mm | 10-30 V | IP67 | Objectreflectie, 4-20 cm, rode LED, NPN/PNP, 10-30 VDC, LO/DO, 2 m kabel |
Cuboid | Background suppression | 200 mm | 5 mm | Manual adjustment | Cable | 5 m | PNP/NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 1 ms | Zinc | Other | Polarity free red light | 18 mm | 10-30 V | IP67 | Objectreflectie, 4-20 cm, rode led, NPN/PNP, 10-30 VDC, LO/DO, 5 m kabel |
Cuboid | Background suppression | 200 mm | 5 mm | Manual adjustment | M12 pigtail connector | 0.3 m | PNP/NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 1 ms | Zinc | Other | Polarity free red light | 18 mm | 10-30 V | IP67 | Objectreflectie, 4-20 cm, rode LED, NPN/PNP, 10-30 VDC, LO/DO, 0,3 m kabel met M12 connector |
Cuboid | Background suppression | 500 mm | 5 mm | Manual adjustment | Cable | 2 m | PNP/NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 2 ms | Zinc | Other | Infrared light | 60 mm | 10-30 V | IP67 | Objectreflectie, 5-50 cm, infrarood-LED, NPN/PNP, 10-30 VDC, LO/DO, 2 m kabel |
Cuboid | Background suppression | 500 mm | 5 mm | Manual adjustment | Cable | 5 m | PNP/NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 2 ms | Zinc | Other | Infrared light | 60 mm | 10-30 V | Objectreflectie, 5-50 cm, IR led, NPN/PNP, 10-30 VDC, LO/DO, 5 m kabel |
Cuboid | Background suppression | 500 mm | 5 mm | Manual adjustment | M12 pigtail connector | 0.3 m | PNP/NPN | Dark-ON, Light-ON | 2 ms | Zinc | Other | Infrared light | 60 mm | 10-30 V | IP67 | Objectreflectie, 5-50 cm, infrarood-LED, NPN/PNP, 10-30 VDC, LO/DO, 0,3 m kabel met M12 connector |
Reflectors for retro-reflective photoelectric sensors
Recommended for fine beam coaxial models (E3NC-LH03, |
Round shape with centered mounting hole for simple screw mounting |
Note: the ambient operating temperature is -25°C to 55°C unless otherwise specified
Recommended for fine beam and |
Note: Note: the ambient operating temperature is -25°C to 55°C unless otherwise specified
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